Friday, October 9, 2009

4 more days till another weigh in

Well, I think I did ok with the fair in town. I didn't eat anything that was deep fried, well, I had fried mushrooms, but that wasn't as bad as say, a fried twinkie, or a fried candy bar... etc.. I am hoping that all the walking that was done with the fair will pay off. My only problem now is the tortillas sitting in the kitchen, and the oil sitting on the stove waiting for me to fry them up... curse my husband for getting my absolute worst food temptation!!! LOL!! I had tortillas and nachos for dinner tonight... ugh. I was doing so good! Well, I am not giving up. I have 4 more days, and all I need is two more pounds to come off. Seriously, if I could just change my salt habit up, I KNOW I could get two pounds off. It's the little changes, and as I sit here writing this, I am thinking that this means I am conscious of what I need to do, so if I don't do it, I need to figure out why...

I went to get a sweat suit today, was excited to get some more elastic pants since I can't wear I'm not really wearing maternity still, but those jeans with the expanding belly area are the best things ever invented, it was really hard to give those up! I wanted to actually buy some new jeans today, but I decided I would wait until I lost enough weight that I could fit an 18, and it not be tight. 18... that is depressing, but gotta start somewhere. My goal is to get into a 12 or 14. I mean that is not so unrealistic!! I could have said 6 or 8!! (But why get my hopes Anyway, I'm excited to wear my new comfy jogging suit tomorrow... maybe the attire will motivate me to take a walk...

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