Friday, January 25, 2019

What's cooking...

So, I was watching Steve Harvey the other day, and he had a guest on that had written a book about the "green diet" or something.  Basically, cutting out meat and being vegetarian.  There were 3 tiers... you could do Tier 1, basically having one meal without any meats, or Tier 2, having 2 meals without meats, or Tier 3, eating only vegetables or grains the whole day.  You are suppose to do the tier of your choice for I believe (don't quote me) it said 11 days... then maybe gobble a cheeseburger or steak... and start over again for 11 more days.  Totally doable. I pretty much am going to be a Tier 2, because I really don't eat breakfast anyway (I know, I know, mistake number one because breakfast gets your metabolism going right?) and I have lunch on my own, so it would be way easier to have a veggie lunch when I don't have to cook for 3 kids that would not appreciate the deliciousness of a good veggie meal.  So I thought I would share my meal plan this week... other than my lunches, which will be a variety of squash, green beans, and whatever I find, probably cooked and put over polenta.

Friday night... we are going for fried chicken salad.  The chicken I use is just the Tyson breaded chicken tenders, which I cook in the oven, and chop up over a bed of greens.
Saturday... this week we are lucky enough to have been invited to join my parents out for some Hideaway Pizza after my middle daughters basketball game!
Sunday... going for breakfast for dinner... scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, and of course, bacon.
Monday... my favorite, eggplant parmigiana and vermicelli.  I usually make my eggplant homemade, but I have some frozen trays purchased from Trader Joes that I am going to try out this time.
Tuesday... It's actually McTeacher night, which means it's a restaurant fundraiser night at, you guessed it, McDonalds... yippee.
Wednesday.... chili
Thursday... bean and chili burritos and taquitos
Friday... Muenster chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

So for a lot of my week, I could actually make it a Tier 3 diet, for me at least.  I could leave off the chicken on my salad, veggie pizza, no bacon on breakfast night, salad from McDonalds, chili... well, that just has beef... but I could just make a bean burrito without the leftover chili in it the following night... and well, I guess Friday, I have to have the chicken because well, it's just Muenster without the chicken... (this is a super good recipe... chicken baked with mushrooms and chicken broth and muenster cheese melted on top...)

Also I read in a fitness devotional, that if you don't like to exercise... uh me <--- ...="" 5="" add="" after="" again="" all="" and="" arm="" br="" can="" day="" doable="" each="" first="" flaps="" for="" get...="" help="" like="" month...="" my="" need="" next="" of="" on="" one="" over="" push="" pushups="" simple="" something="" start="" the="" then="" there="" they="" tightening="" to="" totally="" up="" with="">

Sunday, January 20, 2019


I need to prioritize my life.  I have always looked at it like, what is it that I have to give up to get something I want more.  That's my problem.  I want to be healthy, but I want butter brickle ice cream more.  I want to read my bible, but I want to sleep more.  I want to exercise, but I want to relax and do nothing more.  Doing what's right versus doing what feels good in the moment.  I guess if I look back at my last 40 years, I can say in all honesty, I like to do what feels good in the moment.  This is going to be a good challenge, changing my entire mindset, doing something I have never made a habit of doing.  Prioritizing what is right for me, and not giving in to the temptations that are lurking. I have never looked at things as a choice of what is better in the long run, I have always looked at the immediate here and now, instant gratification... that's me.  And that has got to change...

Mark 14:38  Stay awake and pray for strength against temptation.  The spirit wants to do what is right, but the body is weak.

1 Corinthians 10:13 God is faithful.  He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand.